Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bellpepper & Sausage, recipe books I borrowed from library

I found sausages which were sleeping in my freezer so I woke them up and ate them with bell peppers and onion. When I was living in California, my roommate used to make this dish sometimes on Sundays. Every time I make this dish, I think about her. Now she is a mother of two beautiful girls. Time flies!

Normally, I make this dish on a frying pan but this time my husband grilled the sausage on the grill outside and I made the bell pepper and onion with a frying pan inside. The sausage taste better when you grill it, I think.

This is how I saute onion and bell pepper. I don't add anything else like salt or pepper. It is amazing how sweet it gets from natural vegetable taste. If you prefer, you can add salt or pepper or any other spices but I like it just like plain. I can taste the vegetables more this way.

The sausage was grilled and we had them with some rice on the side.

It was really good! I know sausage is not a healthiest thing to eat but sometimes I crave for it and I think it is OK in moderation. Just don't eat too much of it :-) This was just a regular Italian mild sausage which I purchased at a regular supermarket. It was such an easy and satisfying meal.

By the way, I borrowed some recipe books again from the library so I would like to introduce those books. These are the four recipe books I borrowed this time.

First one was a recommendation from my friend. This is a recipe book for different kind of vegetable dishes from all over the world. I would like to know more vegetable dishes so I think this is a great book to learn many vegetable dishes.

The next book is all about Latin cuisine and it is very colorful and cute book. The lady who published this recipe book has five restaurant in the U.S. Some of the dishes I saw in this book are perfect for summer!

The third book is an interesting recipe book. This author had a father from Cyprus and a mother from Finland. She collects family recipes from both sides and made a  book with some childhood memories. I felt lots of love for her family from this book. The photos are beautiful and I like the her short introduction (memories) about each dish. I just borrowed this without even reading inside too much but this recipe book is really good one. I like it a lot. 

The last one is the one I've already introduce a few days ago when I made a savory tart. There are so many great tart recipes in here both savory and sweet. If you like tart, I am sure you would like this book! 

I realized how much I love recipe books. I remember even when I was little, I liked reading picture books with some food in it. One book I liked about a crow who has a bakery. The other one was about two mice and in one episode they make this delicious looking huge pancake! 

I love looking at all these beautiful food pictures so most important factor when I pick recipe books is if the book has lots of pictures in it or not. In Japan, most of the recipe books have pictures but here in the U.S., some of the recipe books don't have many pictures. I like having a visual image of what I am going to make. 

Anyway, I love looking at recipe books in bed before I go sleep. It makes me happy to think about what I am going to make next :-) I think all of you who love cooking can understand me very well!

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