Monday, January 16, 2012

Daikon Miso Soup

I hadn't made miso soup quite a long time and I had daikon in my fridge which needed to be used urgently so I decided to make daikon miso soup.

In Japan, it is quite popular to have miso soup in the morning for breakfast with some rice, fish, egg, etc.
Normally, here in the U.S., I make my miso soup for lunch or for dinner since I am too lazy to make miso soup in the morning but this one morning, I was so determined to have a miso soup breakfast so I made this in the morning. And it was quite quick!

This time, I made it the way I learned from my mom and it came out delicious!

The secret for my mom's miso soup is that she uses half red miso paste and half white miso paste. This does the trick for me. I guess since I grow up with my mom's miso soup, this combination of miso paste is perfect for my taste.

I add some daikon radish, fried bean curd and at the end, I added some chopped scallion. Right after you add scallion into the miso soup, the familiar smell hit my nose and it took me right back to my home in Japan. It is amazing how sense of smell bring you back to places :-)

1 comment:

  1. Very easy to cook and delicious looking soup. Looks so tempting.

    Hamaree Rasoi
